The Only Birth Chart Reading You Will Ever Need for a look into the mythology and untold karmic history of your birth chart

The Only Birth Chart Reading You Will Ever Need for a look into the mythology and untold karmic history of your birth chart

- $-575.00
  • $575.00
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The only reading you ever need to answer all of the everlasting questions. If your life feels unresolved, taken apart, missing fragments know that there is more than what meets the surface. Eternal signs and perpetual sequences is what astrologers strive to answer. I am here to say everyone has a personal Labyrinth hidden deep within their energetic codes. Spirals of information that create realities around the Universe. This reading is an esoteric lens through the coils of your lifetimes. Key answers you will just not find anywhere else. Most people will walk their life without having journeyed the proverbial golden thread within their own garments. Bring this information from your subconscious to your living conscious and feel the Spiritual Armament of reaching within your epicenter. 

Point of Focus:

All the esoteric codes imprinted within your chart

Mythologies, legends or folk lore that create a signature in your natal chart

Dark truths that surface Astrologers will not touch

Raw Karmic debt owed and why

Life purpose through a spiritual and practical lens. You will walk out knowing exactly what you need to do in this life time.

Dark History of Generational Trauma and the ultimate way of Healing in this lifetime

And. So. Much. More.

This reading will not only bring you clear cut answers, you will also get to the center and resolve all issues that create your shadow, resulting in fewer “get to know me” surface readings that people often get lost in.

Simply put fewer readings, more clarity.

Most practitioners are not able to delve deep enough within their own readings due to their own personal blockages. This stuff gets tangled, sticky, dark, and heavy to navigate. I come in with a perfected Mars and Pluto in Scorpio, in the 8th house, exactly conjunct one another.  I have done the shadow work, seen it all and crave for more. I am here to bring light to the darkness that plagues humanity on a daily basis. The same energy that vultures pray on. Don’t be the daily meal the matrix imprisons you for. Create the life you came here to live.

With all this being said I will end with this, the information shared during this consultation I can guarantee, you will not find anywhere else, through anyone else but me.

Welcome to the Labyrinth. 

Once item is purchased I will email you to set up an appointment. At this time I will be requesting your 

Full Birthday
Exact Birth time (most accurate on birth Certificate)
Place of Birth 

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